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How to debug the speaker equipment in the conference room?Do these four steps to debug the best sound effect 【一】

2022-05-09 16:52:00

The conference room sound system is not installed and finished, in order to make the conference room sound system to achieve the best results, but also need to pass debugging.So how to adjust the conference room sound system?Jazz Dragon summed up four steps and now share with you: 

  1. Check whether the sound system in the conference room is connected correctly. The correct connection of the conference room audio system is the basis of the conference sound debugging.According to the connection drawings of the system configuration, carefully check the line connection and power supply system, and preset the function keys of the audio equipment, to ensure sufficient microphone power supply. 

      2. adjust the position of the sound box. Main expansion speaker should be placed on both sides of the meeting podium, split speaker box bass speaker is at the bottom, medium voice speaker is in the middle, high voice speaker is placed on the top.If the radiation area of both sides of sound box photograph echo, improve sound quality greatly.Do not avoid putting potted plants, desk lamp or porcelain statue on the speaker box, so as not to interrupt the meeting because the object falls due to the speaker vibration. 

"Listen to the good voice and gather positive energy!"Guangdong Wanchang Technology Industrial Co., Ltd. is a collection of product research and development, production, sales, engineering projects in one of the modern audio enterprise, its jazz dragon sound for 14 consecutive years won the top ten professional sound expansion system (national) brand title.Adhering to 18 years of industry experience to provide users with quality products and intimate services, the company was awarded the high-tech enterprise unit and municipal technology research and development center certificate by Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology.Market-oriented and project-centered, the company's product business involves professional sound, lighting and stage design, educational equipment, intelligent broadcasting, square dance sound, home theater and other fields.