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Settings and control of professional stage sound system【一】

2022-04-22 16:23:00

As for the professional stage sound setting, the modern stage uses the stage sound to enhance the dynamic stage while creating a time and space environment. On the stage, there are many screens and various lights to improve the flexibility and visual perception of the stage.

In the process of setting up the stage, we need to pay attention to the setting of the sound. Because the sound is the terminal exit of the whole sound system, will directly have an impact on the audience, so you need to understand the Angle and position of the sound setup, the conventional method is as follows: if the stage is indoor, the sound should be set close to the natural sound source, the sound layout at the top of the platform, the left and right side of the cabinet. 

Arrange the stage in the large sports scene, place the stereo in the center, through the radiation to the audience.To ensure the uniform radiation of the sound, the main box axis needs to be pointed at the height of one meter farthest from the audience.And need to decide according to the indoor space whether to add the ceiling and the sound diffusion interface of the rear, to avoid the lack of direct sound, unable to guarantee the uniformity of the sound.Because of the size of the scene, the stage use of large differentiation, therefore, we need to place the sound according to the actual situation of the stage. 

Guangdong Wanchang Technology Industrial Co., Ltd. has 18 years of industry experience and perfect service system, from product consulting, engineering design, guidance and debugging, user training, maintenance, system upgrade and other links to form a professional service mode.Its own brand jsl Jazz Dragon Sound has won the top ten professional sound expansion system (national) brands for 14 consecutive years. In the future, it will continue to focus on quality and innovation, inherit and carry forward the brand concept of "listen to a good voice, gather positive energy", and strive to create infinite space in the sound world.