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How to balance the reverberation signal in the stage sound system

2022-04-20 17:39:00

If we balance the stage sound reverberation signal, we can get different types of mixing noise.For example, cut off the mixing noise of some low frequency, increase some high frequency, listen to it, is there a bright effect.And reduce the high-frequency signal in the mixing noise, the sound is much more dim.Many people prefer to implement brighter reverberation on shorter reverberation times, while dim reverberation is used on longer reverberation times, perhaps because bright high frequency signal delay too long to accept. 

The first is to set the delay time (delay), which is when the repetition starts, whether the original sound follows, or a little lag, which you can set based on millisecond units. 

The second is to set the feedback (feedback), which determines how many times you will get the repetition. If we turn the feedback down, there may only be one repetition, and increase that value, you can get countless repetition. 

Third, we can make some changes to the delay sound happen, for example, we can add an equalizer and add a boost to a sound near about 1.6-1.7khz, which will make the sound sounds like a telephone effect, and this is only for the delay effect sound rather than the original sound, the whole effect sounds purple, very special.You can also adjust it and add some warm effect. 

In addition, we can set more than one delay effect sound on a signal, so that they use different delay time, we put the first delay effect sound to the left channel, and the second delay effect sound to the right channel, and put back and forth several times, so that you can get a more spacious feeling, the sound field becomes bigger. 

Generally we only add the delay effect on the last stress, that can reduce the ambiguous effect in the sentences, keep the sound clean, and on the end of a very good extension effect.People often only in the chorus to add delay effect, this way is suitable for there are many long chorus, sounds like superposition a track of voice, make the sound of incentive effect. In addition, people often use the method is to load the delay effect on the reverberation, the delay effect sound becomes more unclear, so that the mixing sound will become longer, sound rich moist feeling.

Well, let's try to use these sound field effects and special sound effects in the effector, and you will definitely feel the amazing sound effects.