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Settings and control of professional stage sound system【二】

2022-04-23 16:42:00

As for the professional stage sound control, the performance generally needs to change a variety of scenes, but the stage replacement takes a long time and the effect is unknown.Therefore, the direct use of audio equipment to create a variety of stage atmosphere is efficient and convenient. Sound regulation can make the output sound become more pleasant and harmonious, unify a variety of tones, and can create a dramatic effect according to specific performances. Beautify, decorate the sound, can be through the tone table input channel debugging, and the tone of the corresponding color processing, so as to improve its performance.

In the process of processing the timbre frequency, if the frequency of the high tone frequency band is weak, the personality and charm in the timbre will change; if the medium and high frequency band frequency is weak, the tone is hazy and dim. Otherwise, the tone will be more dull. If the middle and low frequency frequency is weak, the timbre will become weak and empty; too strong, the timbre is stiff and lifeless.Low frequency band frequency is weak, then the tone becomes pale, too strong, the tone will cause cloudy and unclear.

Therefore, the debugging of the timbre should be carried out according to the needs of the stage performance. If it can be regulated and set according to the requirements of the stage director or the actors, the corresponding stage atmosphere can be created, and the task can be portrayed through the sound.In short, only by making the stage art better apply the sound, can the stage art be better presented in the form of a hundred schools of thought competing and a hundred flowers bloom. 

Guangdong Wanchang Technology Industrial Co., Ltd. has 18 years of industry experience and perfect service system, from product consulting, engineering design, guidance and debugging, user training, maintenance, system upgrade and other links to form a professional service mode.Its own brand jsl Jazz Dragon Sound has won the top ten professional sound expansion system (national) brands for 14 consecutive years. In the future, it will continue to focus on quality and innovation, inherit and carry forward the brand concept of "listen to a good voice, gather positive energy", and strive to create infinite space in the sound world.