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Guangzhou Wanchang Sound Co., Ltd

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Do you really know this about stage sound equipment?

2022-04-26 18:17:00
  1. What is a coaxial speaker? General speakers, high pitch units and bass units are flat arranged on the panel of the speaker, so their sound center can not coincide as a point, so that the distance between the high pitch and bass to the listener is different, this difference will lead to phase deviation and thus affect the correct restoration of sound and image.Coaxial speaker uses a coaxial unit, which is actually a combination of high voice unit and bass unit. The high voice is cleverly placed in the center of the bass diaphragm, so it can ensure that the acoustic center of high and bass is the same point, thus solving the problem of phase deviation. 

      2. What is a dumbbell unit arrangement? Is the soprano unit sandwiched between the two exact same middle / bass units, formally a bit like two big middle small dumbbells.Dumbbell arrangement can obtain the sound effect similar to the point sound source, which is good for stereo sound and image positioning, so this design is more popular recently. 

      3. What is a double-line sound separation? Conventional speaker only a set of input terminal, the full frequency band signal from the power amplifier with a set of speaker cables to the speaker, through the frequency divider. Double line split (Bi-wiring) uses two sets of speaker lines to connect the power amplifier and speaker, so that high and bass go their separate ways, they do not involve each other. The double-line split requires separating the high voice channel of the divider and the input of the bass channel, so the speaker must provide two sets of terminals.Of course, the speaker box that can double line sound can also use the conventional single line connection method, as long as the metal short circuit piece attached with the box will be two groups of terminal columns and connect into a group on the line. Similar to double-line splitting, if three sets of horn lines are used to transmit the treble, middle tone and bass respectively, this connection mode is called three-line splitting (tri-wiring).However, three-line separation is not as common as two-line separation. 

      4. Is the double-line separation necessarily better than the regular connection? The main reason for double line separation is that some horn lines are suitable for transmission of low frequency, some are suitable for transmission of high frequency, if the separate transmission can choose according to the corresponding wire according to different needs, to achieve the most ideal effect. However, this view is only a statement, some people think that double line separation does more harm than good, they think that the transmission characteristics of different wires are inconsistent, will destroy the consistency of high and bass phase.

Guangdong Wanchang Technology Industrial Co., Ltd. has 18 years of industry experience and perfect service system, from product consulting, engineering design, guidance and debugging, user training, maintenance, system upgrade and other links to form a professional service mode.Its own brand jsl Jazz Dragon Sound has won the top ten professional sound expansion system (national) brands for 14 consecutive years. In the future, it will continue to focus on quality and innovation, inherit and carry forward the brand concept of "listen to a good voice, gather positive energy", and strive to create infinite space in the sound world.