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Noise handling of a professional audio power amplifier

2022-07-27 09:19:00

Professional sound power amplifier noise processing: related noise has AC sound, burst sound, induction noise and white noise. During maintenance, it should be judged whether the noise comes from the front or from the posterior circuit. The front and rear signal connection plug can be removed, if the noise is obviously smaller, indicating that the fault in the front circuit; Conversely, the fault is in the secondary circuit. 

AC sound refers to the low listening sense, monotonous and stable 100Hz AC hum, which is mainly caused by the poor filtering of the power supply part. Emphasis should be placed on the check of whether the power supply rectification, filtering and pressure stabilization components are damaged. The uncoupling capacitor virtual welding or failure of the power supply end of the front and rear amplification circuit will also produce a low-frequency oscillation noise similar to AC sound. 

Induction noise is a more complex and harsh AC sound, which is mainly caused by poor converter switch, potentiometer grounding or poor signal connection shielding in the front stage circuit. Burst sound refers to the intermittent "crack", "click" sound, in the front circuit, should check the signal input plug and socket, switch switch, potentiometer and other contact is bad, coupling capacitor whether there is false welding, leakage, etc. The rear amplifier circuit shall check the relay contacts for oxidation, input coupling capacitor for leakage or poor contact.


In addition, the soft breakdown of the differential input pipe or constant current pipe in the rear stage circuit will also produce a similar electric spark "click" noise. White noise refers to the irregular continuous "rustling" sound, which is usually caused by the poor performance of input level transistors, field effect tubes or transport integrated circuits in the front and rear amplification circuit, when maintenance, the components of the same specification can be replaced. 

Guangdong Wanchang Technology Industrial Co., Ltd. has 18 years of industry experience and perfect service system, from product consulting, engineering design, guidance and debugging, user training, maintenance, system upgrading and other links to form a professional service mode. Its independent brand JSL Jazz Dragon Sound has won the top ten professional sound expansion system (national) brands for 14 consecutive years. In the future, it will continue to focus on quality and innovation, inherit and carry forward the brand concept of "listen to the good voice, gather positive energy", and strive to create infinite space in the sound world.