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Hunan Huaihua Hongyu Middle School multi-function hall selection of JSL line array speaker system

2022-09-14 15:10:00

Project profile

Insulation fastener

Huaihua Hongyu Middle School is a public school in charge of Huaihua Education Bureau. Since its establishment, it has always upheld the teaching concept of student development, and has won the advanced unit of moral education and teaching management in Hecheng District for many times. Based on creating a better learning and living environment for teachers and students, improving students 'comprehensive quality, cultivating students' "moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic" and other aspects of the development, the school has decided to improve the multi-functional hall. And after a series of investigation,  chose JSL one-stop professional sound program to create a multi-function hall sound system.

Product application

Insulation fastener

JSL engineering installation team after inspecting the campus multi-function hall, and considering the multi-function hall daily use, field area, use demand, and other factors, on sound equipment, application products including JSL line array speaker system, supporting products including sound box, super bass speakers, professional power amplifier, wireless microphone, tuning desk, advanced effector and other products, the pursuit of quality and innovation, JSL is committed to creating professional audio-visual experience.

Insulation fastener

The project took more than half a month only from the design to the completion, and achieved the ideal sound expansion effect of the school. The particularly efficient, professional and thoughtful service was highly praised by the school.