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How to make the sound of the stage sound less difficult to reach the microphone

2022-06-18 16:48:00

To make the sound of the stage sound difficult to reach the microphone to reduce the possibility of the sound feedback phenomenon, the following measures can be taken.

(1) Keep the microphone away from the speaker box.This method is very difficult to achieve in the dance hall, because the dance hall area is generally not large.But in a theater or a large venue, this approach plays a role, such as considering hanging a microphone above a band or stage to ensure that the microphone is close enough to the source and as far away as possible. 

(2) Use the directivity of the speaker and the microphone.Using the pointing characteristics of the speaker and speakers to suppress the acoustic feedback noise often plays an irregular role. If the location of the speaker is not in the radiation area of the speaker to the speaker, the speaker is not easy to avoid screaming.In actual application, can adjust the Angle of sound box appropriately, make the sound radiation area of sound box is not sung in the sound playing area of sound box as far as possible, and the microphone is not opposite the sound box.

(3) Appropriate to reduce the volume of the microphone channel.Doing so can limit the singing or band pickup and affect the performance, but sometimes the sound engineer has to take this bad policy of reducing the volume.If the volume is controlled in real time according to the performance situation, when the ringing phenomenon occurs, the mixer should pull down the volume in time, so as not to scream.When the actor holds or wears a microphone through the speaker, he should also pay attention to control the volume, otherwise it will also cause screaming. 

(4) If the parametric equalizer of the tuning table is adjusted with q-value, the volume compensation measures can be taken. The appropriate method to compensate for the sound of the channel is to adjust the frequency band of the equalizer to the frequency band range of the microphone pickup sound source sound, and improve the frequency band, and stop immediately before howling. 

"Listen to the good voice and gather positive energy!"Guangdong Wanchang Technology Industrial Co., Ltd. is a collection of product research and development, production, sales, engineering projects in one of the modern audio enterprise, its jazz dragon sound for 14 consecutive years won the top ten professional sound expansion system (national) brand title.Adhering to 18 years of industry experience to provide users with quality products and intimate service, the company was awarded the high-tech enterprise unit and municipal technology research and development center certificate by Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and Technology.Market-oriented and project-centered, the company's product business involves professional sound, lighting and stage design, educational equipment, intelligent broadcasting, square dance sound, home theater and other fields.